Arthur Timothy is an architect and painter whose works depict close family members and autobiographical events, specifically in Accra, Ghana where the artist was born, and Sierra Leone, where he lived until the age of 9. The paintings are inspired by small black and white family photographs and are imbued with vibrant colour, added from his memory and imagination, which update and bring life to the original imagery.
arthur timothy, arthurtimothy, arthur bankole timothy, bankole timothy, artist, painter, architect, accra, ghana, freetown, sierra leone, timothy associates, timothy associates limited, timothy associates ltd, timothy, arthur, contemporary art, art, painting, london, united kingdom, uk, england, bath, british, west african, ghanaian, sierra leonean, salone, gallery 1957, gallery1957, kempinski, ronchini gallery, ronchini.
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GALLERY 1957 | NEW YORK  |  8 SEPT – 10 SEPT 2023

Gallery 1957 is proud to present a new solo exhibition by Arthur Timothy (b.1957, Ghana) titled ‘Desmond’ at The Armory Show, New York, 2023.

This new body of work focuses on the artist’s late brother Desmond and follows on from the ‘Brothers’ series, which includes ‘Brothers I’, held in the permanent collection of the ICA Miami, USA.

The new poignant paintings have been inspired by photographs – many of which were taken after the artist and his family arrived in England in 1966 – and by the artist’s memories from his formative years spent with his brother.