[west] african renaissance
Arthur Timothy is an architect and painter whose works depict close family members and autobiographical events, specifically in Accra, Ghana where the artist was born, and Sierra Leone, where he lived until the age of 9. The paintings are inspired by small black and white family photographs and are imbued with vibrant colour, added from his memory and imagination, which update and bring life to the original imagery.
arthur timothy, arthurtimothy, arthur bankole timothy, bankole timothy, artist, painter, architect, accra, ghana, freetown, sierra leone, timothy associates, timothy associates limited, timothy associates ltd, timothy, arthur, contemporary art, art, painting, london, united kingdom, uk, england, bath, british, west african, ghanaian, sierra leonean, salone, gallery 1957, gallery1957, kempinski, ronchini gallery, ronchini.
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GALLERY 1957 | CHRISTIES, DUBAI | 14 NOV – 14 DEC 2021
Accra’s premier art gallery announces its upcoming group exhibition[West] African Renaissance in Dubai featuring works by some of its most significant artists from West Africa.
On 14 November , and for the duration of one month, Gallery 1957 will open (West) African Renaissance, an exhibition in collaboration with Christie’s Dubai. On view will be a selection of its most esteemed artists from West Africa, who have been trailblazers in what is considered to be a Renaissance for modern and contemporary art from Africa and the African diaspora, with artists from the continent gaining recognition regionally and globally.
Over the last decade, artists from the African continent have been displayed at art fairs, biennials, major exhibitions and are included in the permanent collections of some of the world’s most established art institutions. Art fairs dedicated solely to artists from Africa and the diaspora now take place throughout the world, further defining the importance of modern and contemporary art from Africa—a continent that has always been influential.
The paintings included in (West) African Renaissance capture Africa, and more specifically, the nations of West Africa on the brink of ideological change, as seen by artists within the continent. They mark a West African cultural Renaissance that has been rising for many years. As the poignant figures in these works seem to say, and as the artists would undoubtedly agree, the world is finally noticing us.